South Portland Progress

waste reduction



(Updated Dec 2023)

WR 1.1 Pay-As-You-Throw

Expand a pay-as-you-throw system to South Portland.

Status: Tabled/Not Passed by City Council

Update: Analyzed the cost and feasibility of different PAYT models and presented to Council in June 2023; Council unanimously failed to move forward at workshop. (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestones: Implement PAYT program in South Portland by 2026.

WR 1.2 Single-Stream Recycling

Mandate recycling for commercial and multifamily buildings.

Status: In Progress

Update: Develop a multifamily recycling ordinance to present to Council in 2024 for adoption. (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestones: Require recycling in commercial and multifamily residential buildings by 2026.

WR 1.3 Food Waste Reduction and Organics Recycling

Expand programs to divert food waste and increase organics recycling rates to ensure that excess food is better used to nourish people, animals, industries, and soils.

Status: In Progress

Update: Explored options for citywide curbside food waste collection with PAYT; working to establish more drop off sites. (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestones: Reduce food waste in trash stream 70% by 2040.

WR 1.4 Single-Use Plastics

Ban select single-use plastics and identify partnerships to reduce plastic waste,

Status: In Progress

Update: Participating in rule-making for the state product stewardship for packaging program. (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestones: Eliminate single-use plastics in the cities to the fullest extent practicable by 2026.

WR 1.5 Circular Sharing Economy

Foster a circular and sharing economy.

Status: In Progress

Update: Launched the South Portland Electric Tool Library (SPETL); now looking to expand in 2024. (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestones: Ongoing efforts to establish new spaces, programs, or initiatives in each city that support resource sharing, reuse, or repair

WR 2.1 Construction and New Demolition Waste

Reduce construction and demolition waste through targeted re-use initiatives.

Status: Not started

Update: None (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestone: Adopt C&D waste reduction targets and ordinance by 2035.

WR 2.2 Industrial Waste

Work with state and regional partners to encourage “by-product synergy” with industrial waste streams.

Status: Not started

Update: None (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestone: Regional materials marketplace launched by 2035

WR 2.3 Wastewater Emissions

Investigate options for reducing emissions of wastewater treatment with anaerobic digestion.

Status: Not started

Update: None (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestone: Engineering feasibility study commissioned by 2032

WR 2.4 Sustainable Purchasing Policy

Adopt a sustainable purchasing policy for municipal procurement.

Status: In Progress

Update: Working to develop a sustainable purchasing policy for the City. (Updated Dec 2023)

Key Milestone: Sustainable purchasing policy adopted by 2024