South Portland Progress
Transportation and Land use
10 in progress
5 not started
(Updated Dec 2023)
Support efforts to “Make Transit Easier,” “Expand Local Connections,” and “Introduce Rapid Transit” in alignment with the Transit Tomorrow vision for the PACTS region.
Status: In Progress
Update: South Portland Bus Service has coordinated transit measures (fare system, data so all can use any transit app) and GPCOG helps with regional branding; taking recommendations from GPCOG/PACTS “Transit Together” plan; annually advocating for funding for service improvements; rolling out real-time map and AVL in 2024. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestones: Roll-out of coordinated measures (portal, schedules, etc.) by 2025; all specified updates to transit stops implemented by 2028; METRO and SPBS achieve carbon neutrality by 2040
Strength the cities’ transit-oriented development nodes to support travel by walking, biking, and public transportation.
Status: In Progress
Update: Supporting and exploring TOD options through Comp Plan Update; historical villages, Maine Mall, and existing TIF districts highlighted. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestones: Policy pathways for strengthening TOD nodes outlines in comprehensive plan by 2024*; new/updated TOD TIF districts implemented by 2026
*South Portland-specific milestone
Make biking easier through a complete network of bikeways and through building an inclusive biking culture.
Status: In Progress
Update: Evaluating bike share program expansion into South Portland; adding new bike infrastructure incrementally; e-bike rebate program through Electrify Everything!; looking to develop a Bike/Ped Master Plan in 2024; Parks seeking feasibility study to widen Greenbelt pathway. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestones: Bikeway network plan completed and implementation begun by 2026; 5% of all trips completed by bike by 2040
Create safer and more accessible travel for people of all ages and abilities by all modes of transportation by adopting “Vision Zero” for the PACTS region and continuing to expand complete streets.
Status: In Progress
Update: Ongoing traffic calming projects citywide; developed a Street Design Technical Manual in 2023; updated Ch. 23 & 24 to add Complete Streets specifications; participating in Vision Zero Action Plan for region. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestones: Complete Streets Design Manual produced by 2025
Partner with PACTS, GO MAINE, and large public and private employers in the cities to continue to promote more efficient or zero-emissions commuting and to establish a Transportation Management Association (TMA) for the Greater Portland region.
Status: Not started
Update: None (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestones: Working Group for TMA convened by 2024; TDM plans updated/adopted by 2026
Shift existing incentives that lead to more parking demand and supply to instead facilitate and strengthen multimodal transportation options.
Status: Not Started
Update: None (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestones: Zoning ordinances revised with new parking requirements by 2028
Plan for future growth in our cities by committing to land use principles for a smaller carbon footprint, codified in the Cities’ comprehensive plans, zoing, and subdivision ordinances.
Status: In Progress
Update: Planning enabled and streamlined ADUs throughout the city; pursuing densification measures especially in historical village areas through the Comp Plan update. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestones: Housing stock meets workforce demand within the cities by 2035: Anyone working in the cities can live within the cities by 2035
Expand electric vehicles (EV) charging infrastructure in public and private parking through public investments in chargers, updates to city land use codes, and EV-ready requirements in the state building code.
Status: In Progress
Update: Adopted EV Charging Infrastructure Ordinance for new/reconstructed parking lots in 2022; continued grant for businesses to install EV charging stations; hired Revision Energy to add 36 EV charging stations at city-owned sites; continuing to install EV charging for municipal fleet as needed. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: 20% of spaces in new garages required to have EV chargers (per land use code) by 2026; 5% of parking spaces in all lots and garages in the cities have level 2 EV chargers by 2030
Offer excise tax exemptions for electric vehicles (EVs), and advocate for additional state EV incentives.
Status: In Progress
Update: Hosted 2 EV ride and drives; conducted two month-long outreach campaigns about EVs; established EV rebate program through Electrify Everything! (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: 30% of new light duty vehicle sales are electric vehicles by 2030; 60% by 2040; 100% by 2050
Work with Greater Portland METRO and the South Portland Bus Service to transition all bus fleets to battery-electric vehicles (BEV) by 2040.
Status: In Progress
Update: SPBS is planning for the next transit purchase to be all-electric; with DOT funding, completed initial feasibility study for transit bus electrification. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: All new METRO and South Portland bus purchases are electric starting in 2025; all-electric METRO and SPBS fleets by 2040
Develop an electric and alternative-fuel vehicle capital transition program for municipal and school vehicles.
Status: In Progress
Update: Continuing to procure EVs for municipal fleet as needed/able; SPSD has started to look into grants and funding for EV buses. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: All new school bus purchases are electric by 2025; all new light-duty vehicles purchases are electric by 2032; zero-carbon municipal fleets by 2040
Expand the use of shared electric vehicles, promote electric vehicle use by taxis and other vehicle-for-hire companies, and set a requirement that by 2030 all rideshare vehicles must be electric vehicles.
Status: Not Started
Update: None (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: All Transportation Network Company rideshare vehicles are electric vehicles by 2030
Implement changes to curb and parking designs to incentivize shared autonomous vehicles, and advocate for state requirements that any autonomous vehicles must be electric and shared.
Status: Not Started
Update: None (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: State requirement that all autonomous vehicles be electric in place by 2030
Reduce vehicle idling through anti-idling policies, vehicle technology, and improved intersection design.
Status: In Action
Update: City departments have a policy which is being followed (winter exempted); developed a compelling anti-idling campaign with signage and outreach throughout the city. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: Anti-idling policies to be adopted and enforced by 2025*
*South Portland-specific milestone
Partner with large stakeholders in the freight sector to encourage development of a Sustainable Freight Action Plan.
Status: Not Started
Update: None (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: Regional Sustainable Freight Action Agenda drafted by 2032; statewide Sustainable Freight Action Plan developed by 2035
Work with Casco Bay Lines to transition it fleet to hybrid-electric ferries, and to consider a ferry route connection between Portland and South Portland.
Status: In Progress
Update: Explored feasibility of adding a ferry service from Bug Light to Old Port, building on Cushing’s Point Study; need more specifics and a project (possibly TYS) to trigger next steps. (Updated Dec 2023)
Key Milestone: 60% of ferries (three ferries, based on the current fleet of five) run on all electric power by 2035
Commission an engineering study for shore power hookups to allow and eventually require docked ships to connect to electrical service.
Status: N/A
Update: This is a Portland-specific strategy. Click here to visit Portland’s TLU Progress Dashboard.
Key Milestone: Shore power for full ferry fleet installed by 2040; shore power for cruise ships installed by 2040
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Portland International Jetport through benchmarking and tracking, and through decarbonizing ground vehicles.
Status: N/A
Update: This is a Portland-specific strategy. Click here to visit Portland’s TLU Progress Dashboard.
Key Milestone: “Neutrality” achieved by 2030 under the Airport Carbon Accreditation framework